Thursday, February 19, 2015


Summer Stroll

This was one of my first water color paintings of my line. I really love how the paint worked by layering. It is so much softer and was actually very fun (and time consuming). I did well for a first time painting since my practice runs were a bit mucky due to impatience. I realized it's best just to wait for it to dry and start sketching out my next ideas. I'm still very new to this medium so I hope to get better and better.

Spring Fairy

My Favorite time of year! I can't wait for blooming 
flowers and green grass! Warm sunlight is calling me! This 
painting is an improvement from the first. I actually didn't
mind the muddiness on the ground of the painting, I figured
Spring Showers!

Summer Fairy 

I absolutely love, love, love early summer!
Warm sun, longer days, lighter clothes and
awesome picnics and parties! This fairy
definitely has her summer glow resting on
her sunflower perch. This is the best time
 before the everything starts changing for fall.

Autumn Fairy
Autumn is actually a nice time
of year, not too hot but a bit brisk.
I wanted to catch that moment in
 this painting. This fairy is enjoying
the cool breeze with the colorful
leaves just starting to fall. The
Raven is keeping her company
enjoying this time as well.

Winter Fairy 
Not my favorite time of year yet it
does look beautiful after snow.
This fairy doesn't mind the cold
and frost. She's got the winter flush
in her cheeks from the winds. She's
perched in the holly with her sweet
cardinal friend.

Sleeping Beauties
These two are getting their much
needed rest. After a long day of
work they nestle in their favorite
spot, the soft purple Irises. I
decided to make the next few fairies
colorful like nature around them.

Day Dreamers
                                                                                          This is my favorite! The day dreaming duo resting on roses. They both have a relaxing moment dreaming up of the next fun adventures they will have. The green fairy is the one I'm most drawn to. I think she is a bit more mischievous than her sister!


Summer Break

Lily of the Valley

Summer Showers

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